You'll Never Believe How You Can Get Injured Playing These Sports

When it comes to dangerous sports you're probably thinking boxing or football or any other contact sport like that. Getting punched in the head or taking a hard tackle is a surefire way to get yourself hurt. People get injuries in those kinds of sports all of the time, sometimes permanent ones.

But what about the sports that aren't so aggressive? In any sport, there are ways that you can get yourself injured, some that you might never have even considered. Here are some of the most surprising injuries from unexpected sports.



Fishing is one of the most relaxing sports out there. It's a solitary sport that doesn't involve that much movement at all, so how exactly can you get injured doing it? There are some obvious ones like getting a hook stuck in your finger but surely that isn't going to happen to professionals that are involved in fishing competitions, is it? Not really, no. But there are other ways that you can cause yourself damage while you're fishing.

Fishing involves being out in the sun for long periods of time which is a danger for anybody, but when you're on the water, looking down into it all day, you're getting a lot of glare. The UV rays are bouncing back off the water, being magnified, and shooting directly into your eyes. If you haven't got some proper sunglasses for fishing, that's soon going to take its toll on you and you could get some serious eye damage from it. You might think that a normal pair of sunglasses will do but it really won't. Having permanent damage to your eyesight is a pretty serious sporting injury if you ask me.



There's a lot of debate about whether video games are really a sport, but for the sake of argument, let's say that they are. They're officially recognized as a sport and they're played competitively for money so they're a sport. But nobody is getting injured sat in a chair playing video games, are they?

Think again. Just like fishing, eye strain is a bit of a problem but there's glasses for esports as well. However, a much bigger problem is repetitive strain injury. When you're practising and then playing in competitions doing the same motions over and over, it can take a real toll on the joints and tendons in your hands. Repetitive strain injury is a common problem amongst office workers but esports players suffer from a lot as well.



Running is another solitary sport that doesn't, on the face of it, have much scope for injuries. Falling over seems like the easiest way to hurt yourself when you're running but most people get injured from overstretching themselves. Going out and trying to run five miles without any training is an easy way to hurt yourself. Having bad form when you run can cause you serious problems because that tiny amount of damage you're doing to your joints is getting worse with every step. You won't realize that there's a problem until it gets serious and you feel the pain from it.

You aren't going to get injured as often as a boxer doing these sports but that doesn't mean they're completely safe.

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