Top Tips For Improving Golf Driving Accuracy

It's no secret that golf is a great way to spend the day outside socialising with friends. But it takes huge amounts of skill and mental strength to succeed.

While putting is the final step in getting the ball into the hole, two things every golfer needs to master are driving distance and accuracy. Which, go hand in hand.

Here are a couple of tips on how to improve driving accuracy, that will make a huge difference to your game.

Know Your Clubs

Golf clubs are the tools we use to strike the ball. Knowing how to choose the right club for you is incredibly valuable when it comes to maximising your drive. Golf clubs are designed to maximise the physics of a golfer's swing while allowing some range for swinging error.

While all golfers' accuracy benefits from the clubs they use, the right club for you can also be dependent on your experience. This changes throughout your golfing career, with beginners clubs tending to be more forgiving if your swing and contact are not quite right. Although, this then typically means that they will be less powerful. As you begin to perfect your swing, updating the clubs you use, will change the way you play.

It's also handy to know that all standard sets of golf clubs include at least three woods, seven irons, and a putter that can be used for a full round's play.

Invest in A Range Finder

All bad shots will start with bad alignment.

Golf rangefinders, whether GPS or laser, are changing the way players interact and understand the environment they play in. This helps to overall improve gameplay while on the course. Rangefinders provide an accurate way to determine distances on the golf course while marking potential hazards.

Along with being able to determine distances better, a range finder helps you have a better understanding of how far you hit each club. Allowing you to perfect your drive.

If you want to improve your golf driving accuracy, I will suggest you use a rangefinder. The more tools and knowledge you have available, the better chance you have at playing a successful round of golf.

Generally speaking, rangefinders are quite easy to use, finding the best golf rangefinders is the hard part.


Knowing how to hold the club is the first step in mastering the swing.

Your hands' position on the clubs determines whether your golf grip is strong or weak. Key to this is the 'V' shape made by the thumb and the index finger of each hand.

It's natural to think that your dominant hand should supply the power in your drive. However, in reality, maximum power is always the result of a left-hand lead, with your right hand supplying the power upon impact.

Perfect Your Posture

One of the most simple, yet effective tips is knowing how to approach the ball.

Even if your club is properly aligned, having your feet misaligned can send the ball hurling in the wrong direction. To avoid this, walk up to the ball, place the clubhead down first and aim before stepping your feet into position.

One way to practice this is with alignment sticks on the range. This also helps you understand the alignment of your clubs, as even a perfect swing can't fix poor club alignment.

Be patient. Taking the time to get your feet and club alignment right can be the difference between a birdy and a bogie.

It's All In The Hips

Many minor adjustments help you improve your driving accuracy. Making sure you shift your weight properly on your downswing is vital in club to ball contact.

The first step is to focus on your backswing, as you shift the weight onto your left foot and do a side turn of your hip. The key to getting this right is pointing your right knee at the ball during impact.

You'll find that in synchronising this movement, you have more control over the ball.

Master Your Speed

A simple way to control trajectory is to adjust swing speed. Going slower makes a shot fly slower, whereas a faster swing creates more backspin and height.

The first thing to understand is that increasing speed doesn't mean a faster swing; it means a faster clubhead at impact. Knowing how to generate the most clubhead speed, at exactly the right time is a skill. Meaning you only need maximum speed at the moment of impact with the ball.

General Source: Golf-Ariege


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