Boxing is a great sport to get into, especially as a spectator from where I sit. I would never step into the ring, but I'll write, read, or watch someone get beat up all day long. It's got an art to it as well, it may be a very quiet art, but it's an art none the less. The sport was not always so pretty, it started with bare knuckles and a lot of wrestling. It probably looked somewhat like the UFC stuff of today just without the Asian and Martial Art influences of today's fights.
It seems to me that it was a very dirty sport and as time went on legitimatized itself to be something so grand and such an event that it took people from all over the world and made them want to stand up and cheer. There have been so many movies made about boxing that we have to realize that it has become of our inner core and our society today. Boxing is just really who we all are, still fighting to get that one prize that we have yet to claim. Once we claim it though, do we really ever want to stop or do we just look for more prizes?
I think we saw this not too long ago with George Foreman when he came back as an old man and won the heavy weight championship of the world. It was crazy, but we all at least on the inside jumped for joy when that nice family man did something we all wish we could do and that is defy the odds and become a hero, if not to anyone else, to his own family.
There are two different kinds of boxing there is the Amateur and then Pro. Pro boxing has no headgear, lasts longer, is not as well protected, can get away with more, and the fighters get paid. Armature boxers do not get paid, they wear head gear, the referee will be quick to stop a fight if he thinks the fighter is getting hurt and they will not let you get away with much of anything that is not by the books.
Pro fighting is much more highly recognized. Mike Tyson fought just a very few amateur fights before turning pro, and boy when he did, everyone out in the boxing world and soon mainstream knew his name. This guy was a stud. He just took the world by storm. If he could have had the right backing and been right in the head he could have been the greatest ever, but I think we may still have to give that honor to Muhammad Ali.
He did so much for the sport and created such a buzz. I just wish that boxing had someone like these men now. It seems that Mixed Martial Arts has taken over and nobody wants to box any more. Not that I don't like MMA and the UFC, I just wish I could have both instead of having to chose one.
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