Super Bowl Icons That Will Always Be Remembered

The Super Bowl is filled with so many icons that we could create an unending list, but today we want to show you the people that should always be remembered. Their skills are impeccable, and they almost seem like folk heroes to the cities that host them.

Of course, icons don’t have to be retired, and you’ll notice a lot of current players on this list too!

It’s players like these which can create the best Super Bowl winners odds.

1. Tom Brady

As the new face of the New England Patriots, Tom Brady is the most well-loved player of his generation. He has broken a ridiculous number of records and has even created a few of his own. His best seasons ever were in 2007 and 2011, both of which he played as a quarterback.

Whenever you think of a current playing quarterback, Tom Brady will likely be the first person to pop into your head. Even if you just picture a quarterback or the New England Patriots, Tom Brady will be there.

Tom Brady has become synonymous with winning, so it’s not a surprise that he is our number one icon.

2. Dan Marino

Okay, so Dan Marino never won the Super Bowl, but we cannot deny him the “icon” status just because of that! Marino was a phenomenal quarterback; some even say that he played the role to perfection. In his time, Marino created numerous records, some of which still hold true today.

As the face of the Miami Dolphins, Dan Marino will always be remembered as the pinnacle of Miami Quarterbacks. He is an icon to his team and the games!

3. Barry Sanders

Again we have a contender that has never won a Super Bowl, but as we didn’t hold it against Marino, we won’t hold it against Sanders either. Barry was the best running back of his time, and none have been able to beat his skill. Even today, the current running backers look back to Sanders for inspiration and guidance.

To the people of Detroit, Sanders is a hero.

4. Al Davis

When it comes to sporting heroes, we cannot forget the work that Davis put into the leagues. Al Davis didn’t play in the games but was a coach and a franchise owner.

Al Davis has sued the NFL in the past, and although he didn’t win the battle, he made a statement that the NFL should not go unchallenged. Davis also played an important role in merging the AFL and the NFL, which is what brought him into the limelight as a franchise owner.

Davis did so much for the sport as a whole that he has to be labeled an icon. As the old coach would have said, “Just win, baby.”

5. Reggie White

The best nickname in the Super Bowl has to be “the Minister of Defence.” Reggie White was a defensive force like no other. He could not be taken down and would block off his opponents like a military order.

His amazing achievements landed him in the Hall of Fame. Unfortunately, he passed away 2 years later. Still, his legacy lives on, and we will remember this icon as the powerhouse that he was.

6. Brian Piccolo

If you don’t remember Brian Piccolo, then we won't shame you too much. Instead, watch the film Brian’s Song to see his life story and why we hold Piccolo in such high regard.

As a running back for the Chicago Bears, Brian Piccolo was the face of 1960s Football. If cancer hadn’t cut this brilliant man’s life short, then we know we would have seen so much more talent from this icon.

7. Mike Singletary

In 1985, the face of the Chicago Bears’ defense was Mike Singletary. Not only was he like a brick wall to his competitors, but he was also the soul of the party. With such a charismatic person on their team, 1985 was a fun time to be a Chicago Bears fan.

Looking at this icon’s skills, Singletary’s outstanding career as a linebacker earned him a spot on the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

8. LaDainian Tomlinson

Tomlinson somehow made his uniform a standout feature of his game. LaDainian always played with a tinted visor, which became as iconic as his skills. This means that most fans wouldn’t be able to pick LaDainian out from a crowd, but that might be a good thing knowing some reactions he might get.

If you look through all of Tomlinson’s games, you will notice that he is without a doubt the best running back in recent years; you might even say the whole decade should be claimed as his!


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