Reasons to Introduce Grappling Training to Your Workout Routine

No specific reason is needed to introduce regular physical activity into your daily routine. For good health and well-being, you need to be in good shape. If you strive to something more, like losing weight, body tightening, or boosting your self-confidence, maybe you should consider martial arts.

Reasons to Introduce Grappling Training to Your Workout Routine

For many, the first association with martial arts is wrestling, although it falls into only one category. There are many other types of fight sports, depending on the techniques they use. But what's in common for all these activities is that all of them use grappling. Find out more about this technique at this link.

Although grappling doesn't seem as rough as striking, this technique is actually a very intense workout. There are no kicks and punches, but you use your entire body to submit the opponent. So you want to tone your body, lose some weight, or just want to know self-defense moves, you could use something of this technique in your workout routine.

Whole-Body Workout

Martial arts generally belong to more passive sports, especially those with grappling elements. In them, competitors don't run or jump. But it doesn't mean that this activity is not as intense as any other running sport. During one workout, wrestlers can lose almost 1000 calories.

Of course, this refers to professional athletes who train very intensively. After about ten minutes, they are completely wet because they use the whole body from the start. And recreational athletes can burn many calories during a workout with some elements of martial arts.

Depending on your fitness stamina, you can start with just a few minutes of grappling. For example, you can single out some movements and apply them during warm-ups, and then move on to the exercises you usually do. If you've been working out for a while, you can design one part of the training to perform moves like throws or escapes.

Muscle Build-Up

Muscle Build-Up - Reasons to Introduce Grappling Training to Your Workout Routine

Different sports activities use different muscle groups. For example, basketball forces the leg muscles more due to running and jumping. In water polo, strong muscles of the arms, shoulders, and back are essential for easier ball control while in water.

Almost all muscle groups are used for grappling movements, even those that are not active in any other sport. That's why your body will burn a considerable number of calories and build new muscle tissue. After a while, people around you will notice that you look leaner and tighter than ever before.

Your muscles will become visible and stronger. Grappling can be a pretty good cardio workout. This technique involves rolls, throws, takedowns, escape moves, and so on. All these are full-body movements to bring the opponent into a submissive position.

Of course, you don't need an opponent for training at home, but you can use grappling dummies for BJJ to 'suffer' your strength. They are made of long-lasting materials, so you can hit and throw on them as hard as in the real wrestling.

Learning Self-Defense

When you practice a movement for a long time, you will teach your body to use it when necessary. It means that your muscles remember what you did in training and that they will be able to perform the same movements whenever you need them. And grappling is something you may need often.

In some situations, you have to defend yourself; for example, if when thieves attack you, or you run onto a burglar in your house. If you know the grappling moves, you can knock down anyone. You can easily beat even those bigger and stronger than you.


By practicing grappling, you are not only empowering your body but your mind as well. This technique requires the connection between body and brain to be flawless. Professional wrestlers work hard on accomplishing greatness. They are exercising their minds, discipline, and self-control. So grappling workout will make you feel good, not just look good.

On the source below, find out why kids should start training martial arts from an early age:

Although you may have had resistance to martial arts, grappling will quickly get under your skin. If you are committed, you will very become fit, taut, and without extra pounds. And besides the visible physical benefits, practicing martial arts will boost your self-esteem and mental strength.


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Reasons to Introduce Grappling Training to Your Workout Routine to Other Sports

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